There are many ways you can figure out a person’s real character. Character of course is very different from reputation. Reputation is something that develops based on what people say about you. They might be saying it behind your back and you might not be around but they’re talking about you and that’s how reputations are built.
Character on the other hand is your real self. Character is seared into your emotional, mental and spiritual DNA. It is who you really are. Character involves behaviours and thinking patterns that you would engage in even when nobody is watching. Believe or not, your online dating habits reveal a lot about your character. Maybe you’d rather hide this another way, but this is the reality. You have to understand that the moment you step out into the public and you engage with other members on http://www.localfuckbook.net/ , your character begins to show. It might not show all at once but there will be enough clues and hints regarding who you really are that you need to be very careful if you don’t want you real character to show.
The sad reality is most people have parts of their character that they’d rather keep private. They are certain things that we are embarrassed about. There are certain things about ourselves that we’d rather not tell other people. So it’s really important to always be on your best behaviour. You can tell a lot about people based on their online dating habits. If they are disrespectful or if they are not respectful or they otherwise try to goad the other members, you know that deep down they are small, weak, helpless and fearful. Talk about a bad character.