Gothic Porn XXX

ALT, Gothic, Grunge, Emo, Tattooed, Girls In Hot Action!

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Goth Chicks Rock

I never realised featured so many goth and alternative chicks. There are so many sexy ones but I have to say that this particular hottie caught my eye. I just have no idea what her name is.

The lucky sonnoffabeatch with his dick in her looks like shit though. I doubt he’s ever made an effort to even walk around the block or done a few crunches to try keep in shape just a touch let alone ever seeing the inside of a gym. Just look at the awkward shape of his gut, he looks like he’s an urgent shit behind.

The chicks are as hot as you can ever hope for though and that counts for a lot.

I love how free spirited alternative girls are, I’ve always been naturally attracted to them and it’s probably because we’re cut from the same cloth. Non-conformist, true to our identities and don’t have this weird desire the masses seem to have to be accepted.

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The Future is NOW!

This shit just blew my mind. I have not been this excited to blog about something in a while.

VR is without a shadow of a doubt the future of visual entertainment and as always porn is right up at the front of that. While I believe we have a ways to go still before this is truly great, we are seeing progress.

Why do I say we are still in the infant stages of VR? Just have a look at how clunky, unaesthetic and unappealing the goggles are and it’s a dead give-away. Cardboard goggles? GTFO.

VR Cosplay X has taken a leap forward though and has introduced jaw dropping cosplay porn so good that I’m not sure anyone else can compete right now.

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It’s Also in the Feet

More often than not, much more often in fact, I find it easy to spot a tranny. Other than the cock and balls with a set of tits that is. 😀

I mean while fully clothed and made up as a woman. Apologies if they are women and I’m not acknowledging that, I mean no offence.

The biggest tell for me and also a very easy one to spot is the hands. While a jawline can quite easily be altered with some surgery these day it is not the case with the hands.

It ‘s when I came across this site though that I realised just how big a tell the feet are too. This pic is a good example but honestly it wasn;t difficult to find one, it is that obvious almost all of the time.

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